General Technical Information


Roopkala Kendro provides modern and comprehensive facilities to its students. It has a well-stocked library of books, DVDs, CDs, audio and video cassettes for reading and lending. It has a preview room for viewing films and an auditorium for screening films. The Institute has an Outdoor Broadcast Van and two well equipped television studios. The facilities are detailed below.


The Library occupies a central position in the academic programmes and general activities performed by Kendro. It is established to serve learning, teaching and research activities; dissemination and publication of research results and conservation of knowledge and ideas of the Kendro.

To satisfy the varied academic and extra curricular needs of both students and teachers, the Library has developed a collection of:

  • Multiple copies of textbooks and other recommended books at the rate of one copy for every ten users.
  • Books of a more advanced nature for the benefit of the teachers and advanced learners.
  • A wide range of reference books such as encyclopedias, language and subject dictionaries, handbooks,yearbooks, manuals, biographical and geographical tools, atlases, gazettes etc.
  • A collection of rare books and original film scripts.
  • A browsing collection of light reading material like travelogues, humour books, art books, biographies, fiction, etc.
  • A select list of learned journals as well as popular ones, including back volumes.
  • Audio-visual learning and teaching kits including VCD, DVD, VHS, Audio cassettes and discs, video cassettes, etc.
  • This collection includes national and international films of different languages.

Preview Room

An air-conditioned preview room equipped with six complete viewing set up with 21" DVD players and headphones.


We have one auditorium with the facility of seventy persons seating arrangement. The auditorium is properly acoustically treated and equipped to handle video projection. The facility of film projection will be extended in near future.

audio-visual production house
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